Imperial College London Aeronautics Seminars

Imperial College London Aeronautics Seminars

A collection of seminar series run by the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London.

Dr Benjamin Vial
Pravinkumar Ghodake
Prof. Silvestre Pinho
Prof. Carlos E. S. Cesnik
Francesco Mitrotta
Dr. Roeland De Breuker
Dr. Balint Vanek
Dr. Cristina Riso
Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London logo

Aerodynamics & Control Seminars

Department of Aeronautics
University of Edinburgh

From Dandelions to Dandidrones

Ignazio Maria Viola, University of Edinburgh
French National Centre for Scientific Research

The production and transfer of uncertainty in turbulence

Christos Vassilicos, CNRS
Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales

Hybrid AutoEncoder/Galerkin approach for nonlinear parametric reduced order modelling

Denis Sipp, Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

The effect of turbulence: From walls to gas-liquid interfaces

Jason Hearst, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

ICL Space Engineering Seminar Series

Department of Aeronautics
Ames Research Center

EDL Technology Development at NASA, and Overview of Titan Aerothermal Environments and EDL sensors for Dragonfly.

Aaron Brandis, Ames Research Center
University of Colorado Boulder

An Overview of Asteroid Exploration and Autonomous Technology Development

Jay McMahon, University of Colorado Boulder

Navigating Spacecraft Through the Giant Planets (and a Few Other Space Mission Ideas)

Sonia Hernandez, Continuum Space Systems
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

Chronicles from a distressed asteroid

Gabriele Impresario, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana