Particle resuspension: challenges and perspectives for future models
Christophe Henry and Sara Brambilla
Particle resuspension: challenges and perspectives for future models
Particle resuspension corresponds to the process by which discrete particles adhering on a surface are pulled off and carried away by a fluid flow. This is a typical example involving a web of phenomena pertaining to fluid mechanics, particle dynamics and interface chemistry whose cross-effects create an intricate topic. In this presentation, we bring insights into the rich complexity of the phenomena related to particle resuspension. This is illustrated on a few selected examples, which highlight both the challenges faced when measuring particle resuspension and the questions raised when building up models that reproduce some of the processes occurring at extremely different space and time scales. During this journey through multiscale approaches for complex physical phenomena, insights on ongoing ideas and developments are provided to stimulate interest into this everyday but challenging issue in physics.
- Laboratory Directed Research and Development20210204DR