Synthetic nicotine descriptors: awareness and impact on perceptions of e-cigarettes among US youth - presented by Dr. Sarah Kowitt PhD

Synthetic nicotine descriptors: awareness and impact on perceptions of e-cigarettes among US youth

Dr. Sarah Kowitt PhD

Dr. Sarah Kowitt PhD
NCI Rising Scholars: Cancer Research Seminar Series
Center for Cancer Training, National Cancer Institute
DateThursday, May 1, 2025 6:00 PM (UTC)
Live eventThe live event will be accessible via this page.
Center for Cancer Training

Associated Tobacco Control article

S. D. Kowitt et al. (2023) Synthetic nicotine descriptors: awareness and impact on perceptions of e-cigarettes among US youth. Tobacco Control
Article of record
Synthetic nicotine descriptors: awareness and impact on perceptions of e-cigarettes among US youth
Dr. Sarah Kowitt PhD
Sarah Kowitt
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Background: Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are being advertised and sold with synthetic nicotine. Little research has examined youth awareness of synthetic nicotine or the impact of synthetic nicotine descriptors on perceptions of e-cigarettes. Methods: Participants were a sample of 1603 US adolescents (aged 13–17 years) from a probability-based panel. The survey assessed knowledge of nicotine source in e-cigarettes (from ’tobacco plants’ or ’other sources besides tobacco plants’) and awareness of e-cigarettes containing synthetic nicotine. Then, in a between-subjects experiment with a 2×3 factorial design, we manipulated descriptors on e-cigarette products: (1) nicotine label (inclusion of the word ’nicotine’: present or absent) and (2) source label (inclusion of a source: ’tobacco-free’, ’synthetic’ or absent). Results: Most youth were either unsure (48.1%) or did not think (20.2%) that nicotine in e-cigarettes comes from tobacco plants; similarly, most were unsure (48.2%) or did not think (8.1%) that nicotine in e-cigarettes comes from other sources. There was low-to-moderate awareness of e-cigarettes containing synthetic nicotine (28.7%), with higher awareness among youth who use e-cigarettes (48.0%). While no main effects were observed, there was a significant three-way interaction between e-cigarette status and the experimental manipulations. The ’tobacco-free nicotine’ descriptor increased purchase intentions relative to ’synthetic nicotine’ (simple slope: 1.20, 95% CI 0.65 to 1.75) and ’nicotine’ (simple slope: 1.20, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.73) for youth who use e-cigarettes. Conclusions: Most US youth do not know or have incorrect beliefs about the sources of nicotine in e- cigarettes and describing synthetic nicotine as ’tobacco- free nicotine’ increases purchase intentions among youth who use e-cigarettes.

  • 1.
    S. D. Kowitt et al. (2023) Synthetic nicotine descriptors: awareness and impact on perceptions of e-cigarettes among US youth. Tobacco Control
  • 2.
    NCI K01 Award
    National Institutes of HealthR01DA049155National Cancer InstituteK01CA265886
Date & time
Thursday, May 1, 2025 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM (UTC)
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