Geographical typology as a window into language evolution and change - presented by Dr Victoria Chen

Geographical typology as a window into language evolution and change

Dr Victoria Chen

LALS Seminar Series
Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington
DateFriday, May 9, 2025 1:10 AM to 2:00 AM (UTC)
Live eventThe live event will be hosted in person or can be joined virtually via this page.
In-person locationHU119
Geographical typology as a window into language evolution and change
Victoria Chen
Victoria University of Wellington

What drives languages to evolve? This talk promotes the return to isogloss exploration—the foundation of dialectology—by incorporating new mapping tools and further justifying the utility of geographical typology for understanding large-scale language change. It comprises four typologically oriented case studies spanning two subfields of linguistics—lexical and morphosyntactic domains—across various subregions of Maritime Southeast Asia. A critical approach will be taken to linguistic features previously employed for phylogenetic purposes, such as sound change and the distribution of innovatory lexemes, as well as those not yet explored from a subgrouping perspective, including person-indexing patterns and grammatical loss.

    Marsden FundE4679Royal Society Te ApārangiE4679
Date & time
Friday, May 9, 2025 1:10 AM to 2:00 AM (UTC)
In-person location
Virtual meeting held on Zoom.
Listed seminar This seminar is open to all
Seminar not recorded
Q&A Open on this page for 1 day after the seminar