Plant NLR immunity activation and execution: a biochemical perspective - presented by Professor Jane E Parker FRS and Mary Gehring

Plant NLR immunity activation and execution: a biochemical perspective

Professor Jane E Parker FRS

Professor Jane E Parker FRS
Open Biology

Associated Open Biology article

F. Locci and J. E. Parker (2024) Plant NLR immunity activation and execution: a biochemical perspective. Open Biology
Article of record
Plant NLR immunity activation and execution: a biochemical perspective
Professor Jane E Parker FRS
Jane E Parker
Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany
Chaired by Mary Gehring

Plants deploy cell-surface and intracellular receptors to detect pathogen attack and trigger innate immune responses. Inside host cells, families of nucleotide-binding/leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins serve as pathogen sensors or downstream mediators of immune defence outputs and cell death, which prevent disease. Established genetic underpinnings of NLR-mediated immunity revealed various strategies plants adopt to combat rapidly evolving microbial pathogens. The molecular mechanisms of NLR activation and signal transmission to components controlling immunity execution were less clear. Here, we review recent protein structural and biochemical insights to plant NLR sensor and signalling functions. When put together, the data show how different NLR families, whether sensors or signal transducers, converge on nucleotide-based second messengers and cellular calcium to confer immunity. Although pathogen-activated NLRs in plants engage plant-specific machineries to promote defence, comparisons with mammalian NLR immune receptor counterparts highlight some shared working principles for NLR immunity across kingdoms.

  • 1.
    F. Locci and J. E. Parker (2024) Plant NLR immunity activation and execution: a biochemical perspective. Open Biology
    Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftSFB-1403e414786233
Royal Society Publishing logo
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J. E Parker (2024, September 9), Plant NLR immunity activation and execution: a biochemical perspective
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Video length 52:44
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