Age-Friendly Health System Transformation: Insights for Family Medicine from Implementation of the 4Ms
Dr. Becca Howe MD, MAS
🪄 Outline
Age-Friendly Health System Transformation: Insights for Family Medicine from Implementation of the 4Ms
Becca Howe
VA Providence Health System
Learning Objectives:
- Describe what it means to be "age-friendly"
- Discuss barriers, facilitators, and outcomes of Age-Friendly Health System implementation, using an implementation science framework
- Reflect on opportunities for 4Ms integration into family medicine training
Brown Family Medicine Primary Care Innovation Series
Family Medicine (Brown University)Cite as
B. Howe (2024, August 22), Age-Friendly Health System Transformation: Insights for Family Medicine from Implementation of the 4Ms
Listed seminar This seminar is open to all
Recorded Available to all
Video length 52:38
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