More and better Hometherapies: Inter-CEPt and the Specialist Interest Group, how to learn as a centre from the best home providers - presented by Dr Mark Lambie FRCP | DayLIFE, the results of home dialysis for patients in the UK - presented by Dr Udaya Udayaraj

More and better Hometherapies

Dr Mark Lambie FRCPDr Udaya Udayaraj
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1. Inter-CEPt and the Specialist Interest Group, how to learn as a centre from the best home providers
Dr Mark Lambie FRCP
Mark Lambie
Keele University
No abstract was provided for this talk.
2. DayLIFE, the results of home dialysis for patients in the UK
Dr Udaya Udayaraj
Udaya Udayaraj
Churchill Hospital Oxford

DAYLife - is a national quality improvement initiative to increase the number of patients on home dialysis in the UK. The project was launched in 2019 by Kidney Quality Improvement Partnership (KQuIP) in the Midlands for a year and has produced great results. In 2012, Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT) recommendations suggested a national target of 20% of all dialysis patients to be on home therapy. Following this, KQuIP has re-launched the DAYLife initiative to support renal centres in the UK in achieving this target through a sustainable quality improvement programme. The session will cover the drivers behind this initiative, the success stories so far and how KQuIP can facilitate this national goal.

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Cite as
M. Lambie and U. Udayaraj (2023, March 10), More and better Hometherapies
Listed event This event is open to all
Recorded Only available to those who RSVP’d for the event
Video length 1:27:51
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