Nonlinear Reduced-Order Modeling from Data - presented by Prof. George Haller

Nonlinear Reduced-Order Modeling from Data

Prof. George Haller

Prof. George Haller
Nonlinear Reduced-Order Modeling from Data
Prof. George Haller
George Haller
ETH Zurich

I discuss a recent dynamical-systems-based alternative to machine learning in the data-driven reduced-order modeling of nonlinear phenomena. Specifically, spectral submanifolds (SSMs) represent very low-dimensional attractors in a large family of physical problems ranging from wing oscillations to transitions in pipe flows. A data-driven identification of the reduced dynamics on these SSMs gives a rigorous way to construct accurate and predictive reduced-order models for solids, fluids, and controls without the use of governing equations. I illustrate this on problems that include accelerated finite-element simulations of large structures, prediction of transitions in pipe flows, reduced-order modeling of fluid sloshing in a tank, and model-predictive control of soft robots.

  • 1.
    G. Haller and S. Ponsioen (2016) Nonlinear normal modes and spectral submanifolds: existence, uniqueness and use in model reduction. Nonlinear Dynamics
  • 2.
    S. Jain and G. Haller (2021) How to compute invariant manifolds and their reduced dynamics in high-dimensional finite element models. Nonlinear Dynamics
  • 3.
    J. Axås and G. Haller (2023) Model reduction for nonlinearizable dynamics via delay-embedded spectral submanifolds. Nonlinear Dynamics
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Nonlinear Dynamics
Nonlinear Dynamics, an International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Engineering Systems
Cite as
G. Haller (2024, February 22), Nonlinear Reduced-Order Modeling from Data
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Video length 38:12
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