Sustainable Innovation: Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals - presented by Prof Matthew Rimmer and Susy Frankel and Jessica Lai and Dr Christian Schott

Sustainable Innovation: Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals

Matthew Rimmer, Susy Frankel, Jessica Lai and Christian Schott

Dr Christian SchottJLMRSF
Sustainable Innovation: Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals
Matthew Rimmer
Queensland University of Technology
Susy Frankel
Victoria University of Wellington
Jessica Lai
Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Christian Schott
Christian Schott
Victoria University of Wellington

This event will consider the implications of intellectual property (IP) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for New Zealand and Australian law, policy, and practice. This includes investigating IP’s role in ending poverty and inequality, improving food security, ensuring a sustainable environment, better regulating gene patents, and supporting health and well-being through access to medicines.

The event will start with a presentation by Prof. Matthew Rimmer from QUT about Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals. This will be followed by a panel discussion chaired by Dr Christian Schott, Chair of the UN Principles of Responsible Management Education Steering Committee at Wellington School of Business and Government, featuring VUW Intellectual Property researchers, Prof. Susy Frankel and Prof. Jessica Lai.

The event is also the New Zealand book launch of The Elgar Companion to Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals edited by Bita Amani, Caroline B. Ncube, and Matthew Rimmer.

  • 1.
    (2024) The Elgar Companion to Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals.
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School of Accounting and Commercial Law seminar series
SACL (Victoria University of Wellington)
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C. Schott et al. (2024, August 28), Sustainable Innovation: Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals
Listed seminar This seminar is open to all
Recorded Available to all
Video length 1:02:36