Panel Discussion—Moving Toward Equity: Identifying and Mitigating Disparities in Cancer Care from Screening to Survival - presented by Dr. Lauren Hamel and Dr. Yvonne Eaglehouse PhD, MPH and Dr. Danil Makarov MD, MHS and Dr. Ariel Washington PhD, MSSW

Panel Discussion—Moving Toward Equity: Identifying and Mitigating Disparities in Cancer Care from Screening to Survival

Lauren Hamel, Yvonne Eaglehouse, Danil Makarov and Ariel Washington

Dr. Lauren HamelDr. Yvonne Eaglehouse PhD, MPHDr. Danil Makarov MD, MHSDr. Ariel Washington PhD, MSSW

Call for papers

Moving Toward Equity: Identifying and Mitigating Disparities in Cancer Care from Screening to Survival
Panel Discussion—Moving Toward Equity: Identifying and Mitigating Disparities in Cancer Care from Screening to Survival
Dr. Lauren Hamel
Lauren Hamel
Wayne State University
Dr. Yvonne Eaglehouse PhD, MPH
Yvonne Eaglehouse
Henry M. Jackson Foundation and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Dr. Danil Makarov MD, MHS
Danil Makarov
New York University and Veterans Health Administration
Dr. Ariel Washington PhD, MSSW
Ariel Washington
Wayne State University and Karmanos Cancer Institute

Considerable advancements in cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship care have led to improved outcomes for millions of people with cancer. Unfortunately, equity in the benefits of these improvements has not been realized. Decades worth of research is clear that timeliness of screening and diagnosis, quality of treatment, and, by extension, quality of life and mortality are associated with population demographics resulting in persistent disparities. Historically, we have examined cancer disparities by patient race and ethnicity, but growing bodies of research are also demonstrating disparate care and outcome patterns based on other patient factors, including age, sexual orientation and gender identity, body weight, and the neighborhood and built environment where an individual lives, among others.

This panel discussion focuses on advancing knowledge of disparities and efforts to mitigate those disparities as it relates to cancer care and outcomes.

Co-Chairs Dr. Lauren Hamel and Dr. Yvonne Eaglehouse are Guest Editors of a Special Collection in Cancer Control on the theme of "Moving Toward Equity: Identifying and Mitigating Disparities in Cancer Care from Screening to Survival." Authors are especially encouraged to submit works focused on emerging areas of cancer disparities research, research that includes community engagement, and research that develops and tests interventions to mitigate disparities.

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L. Hamel et al. (2025, January 13), Panel Discussion—Moving Toward Equity: Identifying and Mitigating Disparities in Cancer Care from Screening to Survival
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Video length 58:55
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