Bringing metamaterials to practice: influence of base material and novel applications - presented by Dr. Anastasiia Krushynska

Bringing metamaterials to practice: influence of base material and novel applications

Dr. Anastasiia Krushynska

Bringing metamaterials to practice: influence of base material and novel applications
Anastasiia Krushynska
University of Groningen

Phononic materials enable unprecedented control over acoustic waves in solids. In real structures, their expected functionalities can however be severely affected by the mechanics of base material. The first part of the talk discusses the influence of linear viscoelasticity on wave attenuation by polymer phononic materials. The accuracy of the mechanical models commonly used to model viscoelastic behavior of polymers is discussed and validated experimentally for conventionally and additively manufactured phononic structures. Next, two application prospects for metamaterials are proposed. These are metamaterial surface patterns for manipulating the aerodynamic and acoustic characteristics of artificial wings and kirigami metasheets as modular actuator arrays in adaptive optics.

  • 1.
    A. O. Krushynska et al. (2021) Dissipative Dynamics of Polymer Phononic Materials. Adv Funct Materials
  • 2.
    A. O. Krushynska et al. (2021) Arbitrary-curved waveguiding and broadband attenuation in additively manufactured lattice phononic media. Materials & Design
  • 3.
    I. Zhilyaev et al. (2022) Fully-printed metamaterial-type flexible wings with controllable flight characteristics. Bioinspir. Biomim.
  • 4.
    A. E. M. Schmerbauch et al. (2022) Modular Kirigami Arrays for Distributed Actuation Systems in Adaptive Optics. Phys. Rev. Applied
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A. Krushynska (2022, April 19), Bringing metamaterials to practice: influence of base material and novel applications
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Video length 1:40:01
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