Session 7: U-HARWARD overview
An overview of the main outcomes of the U-HARWARD Ultra High Aspect Ratio Wing Advanced Research and Designs project, part of CleanSky2 program.
The format of this session will be different than the previous ones. Talks 1, 3-5 be 20 min long and Talk 2 will be 40 min long, all including Q&A.
1. U-HARWARD Project: overview of activities and achievements
This presentation describes the structure of U-HARWARD project, main tasks and an overview of the achievements up to now.
2. Wind Tunnel Test Campaign Outcomes
Investigating the pros and cons of unconventional configurations must pass through experimental validation to ensure unexpected behavior does not appear. In the U-HARWARD project, several wind tunnel tests have been performed to assess the aeroacoustics, aerodynamic and aeroelastic behavior of unconventional aircraft with high aspect ratio wings. Aeroacoustics tests were conducted at the University of Bristol on the interaction between the wing-strut junction and the high lift devices (both trailing and leading edge) for a strut-braced wing configuration. High-fidelity aeroacoustic simulations were also performed by Siemens to further investigate the noise generation mechanisms of wing-strut systems. Other tests were carried out at the large wind tunnel at Politecnico di Milano, testing aeroelastic behavior and flutter identification of a clamped strut-braced wing and low-speed aerodynamic derivatives of an aircraft in a strut-braced configuration. Insights will be given on a gust response test that will be carried out at the end of October on a free-to-plunge and pitch aircraft equipped with a folding wingtip to alleviate the loads.
3. Strut Braced Wing: challenges vs. promises, the ONERA perspective
Overview of the work performed within the U-HARWARD project on the high-AR strut-braced wing configuration, both at OAD level and aerodynamic and structural high-fidelity design level. Main conclusions and near-term perspectives will be highlighted.
4. Folding Wing Tips for High Aspect Ratio Wings - Challenges vs. Promises
This presentation will overview numerical and experimental investigations at the University of Bristol into the use of folding wing tips to enable HARW aircraft designs. The benefits of such a concept will be discussed along with an overview of the challenges that need to be overcome in order to enable its use on future aircraft.
5. Final assessment and preliminary project outcomes evaluation
The presentation will summarize the status of project outcomes and lessons learned.