A  Low Rank Tensor Approach for Nonlinear Vlasov Simulations - presented by Prof. Jingmei Qiu

A Low Rank Tensor Approach for Nonlinear Vlasov Simulations

Prof. Jingmei Qiu

Prof. Jingmei Qiu
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Associated Journal of Computational Physics article

W. Guo and J. Qiu (2022) A low rank tensor representation of linear transport and nonlinear Vlasov solutions and their associated flow maps. Journal of Computational Physics
Article of record
A Low Rank Tensor Approach for Nonlinear Vlasov Simulations
Prof. Jingmei Qiu
Jingmei Qiu
University of Delaware

In this work, we present a low-rank tensor approach for approximating solutions to the nonlinear Vlasov equation. Our method takes advantage of the tensor-friendly nature of the differential operators in the Vlasov equation to dynamically and adaptively construct a low-rank solution basis through the discretization of the equation and an SVD-type truncation procedure. We utilize finite difference WENO and discontinuous Galerkin spatial discretizations, along with a second-order strong stability preserving multi-step time discretization. To preserve conservation properties, we develop low-rank schemes with local mass, momentum, and energy conservation for the corresponding macroscopic equations. The mass and momentum are conserved using a conservative SVD truncation, while the energy is conserved by replacing the energy component of the kinetic solution with one obtained from a conservative scheme for the macroscopic energy equation. We employ hierarchical Tucker decomposition for high-dimensional problems, and demonstrate the high-order convergence, efficiency, and local conservation properties of our algorithm through a series of linear and nonlinear Vlasov examples.

  • 1.
    W. Guo and J. Qiu (2022) A low rank tensor representation of linear transport and nonlinear Vlasov solutions and their associated flow maps. Journal of Computational Physics
    Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchFA9550-22-1-0390National Science FoundationNSF-DMS-2111253U.S. Department of EnergyDE-SC0023164