Home Therapies - Where is Home Haemodialysis Best Placed in Patient Timelines - how do we develop an efficient service - presented by Dr Nick Sangala MBBS BSc MRCP | Incremental Peritoneal Dialysis - presented by Dr Rishana Shuaib MBBS MRCP

Home Therapies - Where is Home Haemodialysis Best Placed in Patient Timelines - how do we develop an efficient service

Dr Nick Sangala MBBS BSc MRCP

Incremental Peritoneal Dialysis

Dr Rishana Shuaib MBBS MRCP

Dr Nick Sangala MBBS BSc MRCPDr Rishana Shuaib MBBS MRCP
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1. Home Therapies - Where is Home Haemodialysis Best Placed in Patient Timelines - how do we develop an efficient service
Dr Nick Sangala MBBS BSc MRCP
Nick Sangala
Portsmouth Hospital

I will be talking about our experiences of building a successful Home Haemodialysis program at the Wessex Kidney Centre in Portsmouth, and where HHD fits in the patient journey. We believe in patient choice, throughout their journey, and breaking down barriers to choice.

2. Incremental Peritoneal Dialysis
Dr Rishana Shuaib MBBS MRCP
Rishana Shuaib
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

I'll be sharing the out comes of a project that aimed to improve the information shared with patients when commencing them on incremental peritoneal dialysis.

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Cite as
N. Sangala and R. Shuaib (2023, March 10), Home Therapies - Where is Home Haemodialysis Best Placed in Patient Timelines - how do we develop an efficient service, Incremental Peritoneal Dialysis
Listed event This event is open to all
Recorded Available to all
Video length 1:22:19
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