BO-KM: A comprehensive solver for dispersion relation of obliquely propagating waves in magnetized multi-species plasma with anisotropic drift kappa-Maxwellian distribution
Wei Bai
Computer Physics Communications Seminar Series
Host Computer Physics Communications |
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BO-KM: A comprehensive solver for dispersion relation of obliquely propagating waves in magnetized multi-species plasma with anisotropic drift kappa-Maxwellian distribution
The observation of superthermal plasma distributions in space reveals a multitude of distributions with high-energy tails, and the kappa-Maxwellian distribution is a type of non-Maxwellian distribution that exhibits this characteristic. However, accurately determining the multiple roots of the dispersion relation for superthermal plasma waves propagating obliquely presents a challenge. To tackle this issue, we have developed a comprehensive solver, BO-KM, utilizing an innovative numerical algorithm that eliminates the need for initial value iteration. The solver offers an efficient approach to simultaneously compute the roots of the kinetic dispersion equation for oblique propagation in magnetized plasmas. It can be applied to magnetized superthermal plasma with multi-species, characterized by anisotropic drifting kappa-Maxwellian, bi-Maxwellian distributions, or a combination of the two. The rational and J-pole Pade expansions of the dispersion relation are equivalent to solving a linear system's matrix eigenvalue problem. This study presents the numerical findings for kappa-Maxwellian plasmas, bi-Maxwellian plasmas, and their combination, demonstrating the solver's outstanding performance through benchmark analyses.