The Contribution of Radiological Protection to Sustainable Development: The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) - presented by Joshua Bayliss and Dr. Werner Rühm | SDGs relevant for the ICRP system of radiological protection - presented by Dr Andrzej Wojcik | Ethical aspects of the System of Radiological Protection and Sustainable Development - presented by Dr Thierry Schneider | Environmental radiological protection and sustainable development - presented by Mr Andy Mayall MSc, CRadP, FSRP | The SDG Programme in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - presented by Dr. Anna Friedl

The Contribution of Radiological Protection to Sustainable Development

Dr. Werner RühmDr Andrzej WojcikDr Thierry SchneiderMr Andy Mayall MSc, CRadP, FSRPDr. Anna Friedl
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Associated Radiation and Environmental Biophysics article

W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Article of record
1. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
Dr. Werner Rühm
Werner Rühm
Federal Office for Radiation Protection and International Commission on Radiological Protection
Chaired by Joshua Bayliss

  • 1.
    W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics

Associated Radiation and Environmental Biophysics article

W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Article of record
2. SDGs relevant for the ICRP system of radiological protection
Dr Andrzej Wojcik
Andrzej Wojcik
Stockholm University

  • 1.
    W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
3. Ethical aspects of the System of Radiological Protection and Sustainable Development
Dr Thierry Schneider
Thierry Schneider
International Commission on Radiological Protection

4. Environmental radiological protection and sustainable development
Mr Andy Mayall MSc, CRadP, FSRP
Andy Mayall
Environment Agency

5. The SDG Programme in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Dr. Anna Friedl
Anna Friedl
University Hospital, LMU University Munich

  • 1.
    W. Rühm et al. (2023) Vancouver call for action to strengthen expertise in radiological protection worldwide. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
  • 2.
    W. Rühm et al. (2023) UN Sustainable Development Goals: establishment of an electronic ‘collection’ of papers published in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
  • 3.
    F. Böse et al. (2024) Putting radioactive materials on the sustainability agenda: a report from a workshop on the sustainability of human-made radioactive materials held at the safeND Research Symposium 2023. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
  • 4.
    A. Wimmers et al. (2024) (Re)integrating radioactive materials and waste into a global sustainable development context. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
  • 5.
    W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics