The Contribution of Radiological Protection to Sustainable Development: The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) - presented by Joshua Bayliss and Dr. Werner Rühm | SDGs relevant for the ICRP system of radiological protection - presented by Dr Andrzej Wojcik | Ethical aspects of the System of Radiological Protection and Sustainable Development - presented by Dr Thierry Schneider | Environmental radiological protection and sustainable development - presented by Mr Andy Mayall MSc, CRadP, FSRP | The SDG Programme in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - presented by Dr. Anna Friedl

The Contribution of Radiological Protection to Sustainable Development

Dr. Werner RühmDr Andrzej WojcikDr Thierry SchneiderMr Andy Mayall MSc, CRadP, FSRPDr. Anna Friedl

The Editors in Chief of the journal Radiation and Environmental Biophysics welcome you to this webinar to discuss radiological protection in the context of Sustainable Development Goals. The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session.

We invite you to read related content in the collection on Radiation Research and the UN Sustainable Development Goals .

The International Commission on Radiological Protection is an independent Registered Charity, established to advance the science of radiological protection for the public benefit, in particular by providing recommendations and guidance on all aspects of protection against ionising radiation to be used world-wide. The Main Commission is the governing body, setting policy and giving general direction. Recently, the Main Commission has published in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics on the importance of radiological protection in contributing towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For more information, please see: .

Associated Radiation and Environmental Biophysics article

W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Article of record
1. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
Dr. Werner Rühm
Werner Rühm
Federal Office for Radiation Protection and International Commission on Radiological Protection
Chaired by Joshua Bayliss

Since its foundation in 1928, the International Commission of Radiological Protection (ICRP) has been continuously developing the System of Radiological Protection. The System is based on science, ethics, and experience. It contributes to an appropriate level of protection for people and the environment against the detrimental effects of radiation exposure without unduly limiting the desirable human actions that may be associated with such exposure. This introductiom informs about ICRP and its worldwide role in providing recommendations and guidance on all aspects of protection against ionising radiation.

  • 1.
    W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics

Associated Radiation and Environmental Biophysics article

W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Article of record
2. SDGs relevant for the ICRP system of radiological protection
Dr Andrzej Wojcik
Andrzej Wojcik
Stockholm University

Since its discovery in 1895 ionizing radiation has been an indispensable tool for developments in medicine, science, industry and energy production (after WW II). But it is a double-edged sword because its use is associated with potential health risks. Therefore, its applications must be regulated to be safe, but without unduly limiting the benefits associated with its use. Also, existing and emergency exposure situations must be considered in a balanced way. ICRP must keep and develop the system of radiological protection so that it is fit for purpose. How can this process align with the idea of sustainability? The system of radiological protection is implicitly linked to sustainable development but sustainability must be considered and more explicitly addressed in the next ICRP general recommendations.

  • 1.
    W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
3. Ethical aspects of the System of Radiological Protection and Sustainable Development
Dr Thierry Schneider
Thierry Schneider
International Commission on Radiological Protection

The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) make recommendations on how to behave wisely in relation to exposure of people and the environment to ionizing radiation. In 2018, ICRP published a report on the ethical foundations of the system of radiological protection, stating that “Ethics cannot provide conclusive solutions, but can help to facilitate discussions among those seeking to promote the well-being of individuals, the sustainable development of society and the protection of the environment”. This presentation will highlight the main links between ethical values of the system of radiological protection and the sustainable development goals.

4. Environmental radiological protection and sustainable development
Mr Andy Mayall MSc, CRadP, FSRP
Andy Mayall
Environment Agency

Sustainable development depends upon on healthy ecosystems. Environmental radiological protection is an important and explicit part of the radiological protection system which seeks to protect humans and the environment from the harmful effects of ionising radiation. This presentation will briefly outline how the radiological protection system has evolved, and will continue to evolve, to include environmental protection and how this aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

5. The SDG Programme in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Dr. Anna Friedl
Anna Friedl
University Hospital, LMU University Munich

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics is a journal dedicated to effects of ionizing radiation, covering radiobiology, health and medical physics, environmental protection and applied radiation research. The editors strongly support the Springe Nature initiative in promoting the UN SDGs.

  • 1.
    W. Rühm et al. (2023) Vancouver call for action to strengthen expertise in radiological protection worldwide. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
  • 2.
    W. Rühm et al. (2023) UN Sustainable Development Goals: establishment of an electronic ‘collection’ of papers published in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
  • 3.
    F. Böse et al. (2024) Putting radioactive materials on the sustainability agenda: a report from a workshop on the sustainability of human-made radioactive materials held at the safeND Research Symposium 2023. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
  • 4.
    A. Wimmers et al. (2024) (Re)integrating radioactive materials and waste into a global sustainable development context. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
  • 5.
    W. Rühm et al. (2024) The system of radiological protection and the UN sustainable development goals. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
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SDG Talks
Springer Nature Sustainable Development Goals Programme
Cite as
W. Rühm et al. (2025, January 31), The Contribution of Radiological Protection to Sustainable Development
Listed seminar This seminar is open to all
Recorded Available to all
Video length 1:17:17
Q&A Now closed
Disclaimer The views expressed in this seminar are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the journal