Frontiers in Neuroscience Seminars

Frontiers in Neuroscience Seminars

Frontiers in Neuroscience

Join us for an engaging seminar series hosted by Frontiers in Neuroscience, featuring live presentations from esteemed authors and editors who are advancing the field of neuroscience. Seminars cover a broad spectrum of topics, from neural development and neuroengineering to sensory perception and translational neuroscience. This series aims to foster interdisciplinary connections and showcase cutting-edge research that contributes to our understanding of brain functions and promotes mental health and well-being.

Dr. Valentina Caputi
Dr Timna Hitrec
Dr. A. Lyu
Pr Timothée Levi
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Dr. Valentina Caputi
Ludovica Mancuso
Dr Timna Hitrec
Dr. A. Lyu
Pr Timothée Levi
Serena Iacobucci PhD
University of Bordeaux

Real-time multicompartment Hodgkin-Huxley neuron emulation on SoC FPGA

Timothée Levi, University of Bordeaux
Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Visual cortex anodal transcranial direct current stimulation does not alter reading performance for Chinese presented character-by-character to normal peripheral vision in older adults

A. Lyu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
University of Bologna

Activation of orexin-A (hypocretin-1) receptors in the Raphe Pallidus at different ambient temperatures in the rat: effects on thermoregulation, cardiovascular control, sleep, and feeding behavior

Timna Hitrec, University of Bologna
United States Department of Agriculture

Functional contribution of the intestinal microbiome in autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Rett syndrome: a systematic review of pediatric and adult studies

Valentina Caputi, United States Department of Agriculture