Older Age and Advanced Kidney Disease: Ethics Focused Patient Story - presented by Dr. Guy Schofield MD MRCP PhD FHEA | Frailty and Advanced Kidney Care and Dialysis - presented by Dr. Melanie Dani MRCP PhD | Supportive Assisted Peritoneal Dialysis and Dementia - presented by Prof Edwina Brown DM (Oxon) FRCP | Inpatient Care and Patient Expectations - presented by Dr Hannah Beckwith | General Discussion with Delegate Questions - presented by Dr Oshini Shivakumar MBBS MA(Cantab) MRCP

Older Age and Advanced Kidney Disease

Dr. Guy Schofield MD MRCP PhD FHEADr. Melanie Dani MRCP PhDProf Edwina Brown DM (Oxon) FRCPDr Hannah BeckwithDr Oshini Shivakumar MBBS MA(Cantab) MRCP
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Our leading expert will use 4 patient stories to illustrate learning points in ethics, frailty, dementia, supportive care and patient expectations.


  1. 14:00-14:20 Ethics Focused Patient Story
  2. 14:20-14:40 Frailty and Advanced Kidney Care and Dialysis
  3. 14:40-15:00 Supportive Assisted Peritoneal Dialysis and Dementia
  4. 15:00-15:20 Inpatient Care and Patient Expectations
  5. 15:20 General Discussion with Delegate Questions
1. Ethics Focused Patient Story
Dr. Guy Schofield MD MRCP PhD FHEA
Guy Schofield
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

A lot of the literature examines ethical challenges in palliative care from the theoretical level and describes the implications these theories have for bedside practice. Very little research has looked at what the landscape looks like at the bedside and what that might mean for the usefulness of the various theoretical perspectives for guiding day-to-day clinical practice. Guy will use a patient story to illustrate his research in this area.

2. Frailty and Advanced Kidney Care and Dialysis
Dr. Melanie Dani MRCP PhD
Melanie Dani
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
No abstract was provided for this talk.
3. Supportive Assisted Peritoneal Dialysis and Dementia
Prof Edwina Brown DM (Oxon) FRCP
Edwina Brown
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
No abstract was provided for this talk.
4. Inpatient Care and Patient Expectations
Dr Hannah Beckwith
Hannah Beckwith
Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
No abstract was provided for this talk.
5. General Discussion with Delegate Questions
Dr Oshini Shivakumar MBBS MA(Cantab) MRCP
Oshini Shivakumar
Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College London
No abstract was provided for this talk.
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Dialysis Academy 2024
Imperial College Renal and Transplant Centre
Cite as
G. Schofield et al. (2024, March 14), Older Age and Advanced Kidney Disease
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Recorded Available to all
Video length 1:30:39
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